Short Version
Despite “resources”, training, faith, and support, transitioning from active duty to civilian life did not stop the suicidal thoughts. There was nothing to help ME.
Through the hardships, faith prevailed and life changes were made for me and my family through this reidentification process.
We believe strongly in the mission and know lives can be changed. Not with a brochure, but something made specifically for YOU and your family. We want to be that change.
Have you ever pursued something, whether education, drugs, alcohol, people, careers, or something else, that left you feeling empty inside? I would venture to say almost every person has searched for comfort in things and could not find relief. I know I must be a “bad” Christian to profess that I am tired, depressed, and anxious at times. Deciding to carry your cross daily, follow Jesus, and be unlike the world, is a burden. God never promises happiness here on earth. Being told, “You’re a Christian and shouldn’t feel this way,” does not solve the problem it leads to guilt, shame, or depression.
I began taking classes toward a Clinical Christian Counseling degree to have a career to step into once the transition process was complete. I took an APS Report, and the results shocked me. Not only were they accurate, but everything began to make sense. I now understood why I felt depleted, depressed, stressed, and overwhelmed. I then administered the test to my husband and children, which is when fundamental changes started to occur. I could now look at my family and see the very essence of their being, including the inner needs that motivated their behavior. Not only do I understand and have a new definition of myself, but my marriage and family have also been redefined.
I knew I can’t be the only one feeling this way. How can I break the stigma of not talking about this? Nobody really cares when they sit you through those annual suicide trainings. They are a joke. Why are there so many people suffering when there are so many “resources”? So I began to do some research. The first thing I did was create a survey for active duty and veterans, you can’t have a solution without understanding the problem. The results were shocking. A practical solution must address common problems individuals face, such as relationships, families and marriages. These are ALL vital pieces of our everyday life that are commonly ignored. The resources have to be personalized, and accessible immediately when you are headed to the place of despair. We need to proactive instead of reactive.
So sitting in a garage, talking about life, mental health, my growth and spiritual journey, ORM was formed. The one source resource to assist service members, veterans and their families. We started to formulate the business plan, execution, vision, growth, etc. We wrote this proposal about ORM and submitted it in hopes of getting some initial funding. Guess what? We were denied. Virtual reality and “holographic solutions” were chosen for the funding. Another “resource” that will be “provided”. That didn’t stop us AT ALL. What that proved is that we ARE different and that this could be bigger than we thought. (Meaning, First Responders in the future)
Overall, this program was developed by some Christians who believe the Bible when it states, “the mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6). That being said, we also believe that people should not be forced into “religion” or subjected to condemnation. We are all sinners. While I may believe Jesus is the answer to my problems, I recognize that not everyone has the same belief system, and that is okay!!
People deserve a faith-based program that incorporates love in every resource. People deserve personnel who value servitude and can incorporate that into their lives. People deserve a program who can help, regardless of your spiritual beliefs.
The entire foundation of our organization is to love everyone, shine a light in the dark place, extend a hand, and help service members out of that dark place.